Theater > Selam Habibi


Actually, Juliet’s father is anything but a strict patriarch: he would only marry off his daughter with her consent – fortunately, she is still far too young for that. But the tide turns faster than he would have guessed: at a Capulet family party, Juliet meets Romeo, they fall in love, there are quarrels, there are deaths, there are misunderstandings and help, which, however, does not make the situation any less complicated. Shakespeare’s famous love story is adapted by an ensemble of actors, musicians and young people whose different biographies and life worlds shape the production.

It is Shakespeare’s language, his wit and his poetry with which the ensemble sets out on a search for traces of urban everyday life, along the fault lines, the conflicts and the fullness that the encounter of highly different people, ways of living and loving offers.

SELAM HABIBI is a passionate piece of intercultural life: the first acts take place as an oriental-evening festival with music, song and dance; a festival where people dance, talk, flirt and argue. Suddenly the feast is over. Mercutio and Tybalt are dead; Romeo has been expelled from the country, marriage to another is a done deal – and Juliet… What does she decide?

Translated with (free version)



Farhad Payer, Birkan Cam, Carmen Dalfogo, Ferhat Feqî, Delchad Ahmad, Haki Kilic, Musa Küsne, Nadim Jarrar, Robert Baranowski, Süleyman Çarnewa, Verena von Behr, Zeynep Yasar, Orhan Müstak, Umut Yilmaz, Petrit Bahtiri, Jack Ondoua, Kerime Arslan
Director: Anina Jendreyko
Production: Pascal Moor
Dramaturgy: Inga-Annett Hansen
Costumes: Bozena Civic, Nicole Müller
Stage: Pia Gehriger
Technics, Light: Michael Jann
Speech Coaching: Nicole Coulibaly
Assistant Director: Jochen Cerff, Marie Jeger
Photographer: Georgios Kefalas, Matthias Wäckerlin
Grafic Designer: Thomas Dillier

Past shows

03.04.2015, 04.04.2015, 05.04.2015, 06.04.2015, 07.04.2015
Dohuk, Nordirak
04.03.2014, 05.03.2014, 06.03.2014, 07.03.2014, 07.03.2014 11 o'clock
each at 20h
Heimathafen Neukölln, Berlin
22.05.2013, 23.05.2013
each at 20h
Theater Chur
11.09.2013, 12.09.2013, 13.09.2013, 17.09.2013, 18.09.2013, 19.09.2013, 20.09.2013, 24.09.2013, 25.09.2013, 26.09.2013, 27.09.2013
each at 19.30h
Schalandersaal, Restaurant Altes Warteck Basel
with audience talk
06.03.2013, 08.03.2013, 09.03.2013, 10.03.2013, 14.03.2013, 15.03.2013, 16.03.2013, 17.03.2013, 19.03.2013, 20.03.2013, 21.03.2013, 22.03.2013, 23.03.2013
each at 19.30h
Schalandersaal, Restaurant Altes Warteck Basel


With the support of

DOMS-Stiftung, Swisslos-Fonds BS & BL, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Edith Maryon Stiftung, CMS, GGG, Singenberg Stiftung, Bärengesellschaft, ch-Stiftung, Südkulturfonds, Gastspiel Dohuk: Pro Helvetia, Fachausschuss Tanz und Theater BS/BL